Weed culture has grown stronger than ever, especially as more and more states recognize legal marijuana, leading to an explosion in thoughtful writing and commentary around this wonderous little plant. Pot is being taken seriously for perhaps the first time in the modern era, setting aside the lazy goofiness of stoner culture for trendy, sophisticated stoner blogs. There’s one smoky corner of the internet where the aesthetic joys of pot still reign supreme, a little smoke spot around the corner called Tumblr. Here are the best weed Tumblr blogs to follow when you’ve got a little buzz going.
The best weed Tumblr blogs
1) The Daily Chief
Looking for a steady stream of stoner content to get you through your next bus ride or rotation? The Daily Chief delivers humorous memes and aspirational joint constructions to brighten up the feeds of stoners of all levels. This blog is like a blunt all your friends through in on, so expect to get a little bit of something from every part of the weed internet. If you aren’t looking for original content, you’ll enjoy this sampler pack.
Ever wanted to take a look at a dispensary but live in a state where bud isn’t legal yet? The Sacred Leaf describes itself as a “weed startup,” serving subscribers with a mix of artful pictures of fresh flowers or golden concentrates. According to their site, they haven’t opened for business yet, but they’re consistently posting new content. It’s interesting to watch the development of social media presence in an emerging industry, so get in on the ground floor.
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3) Stoners Euphoria
The happiness-focused stoner behind Stoners Euphoria has a mission statement for why they launched the blog. “I believe in the power of Marijuana. It has changed my life, and I will never be able to express how much this plant has done for me. It has allowed me to recover from dark times in my life and come out on top. It was through this plant I was able to find meaning in this world.” You can follow a curated journey to weed nirvana through this steady feed of memes, smokers blowing clouds, and artsy flower shots.
4) Apt 420
Could you care less about weed culture but love bud flowers? Apt 420 delivers nothing but HD photos of high-quality flowers. While many blogs shoot with lighting that makes buds glow like they’re coated in honey, Apt 420’s photography is almost rustic, free of glamour and focusing on the plant. The blog’s shop occasionally sells vape cartridges, if you’re interested in taking a peek inside the concentrates industry along with old-fashioned green goodness.
Fastest Sloth Alive is a weed-only blog, free of commentary or identity. The only words found on the site are “weed, cannabis, marijuana” under the description. But with a quick scroll through the feed, it’s clear you’ve found a blog that celebrates the pure of weed. Made up almost entirely of close up shots of sparkling nugs and artistically rolled joints—with the odd cat thrown in for good measure—Fastest Sloth Alive is a solid pick if you’re looking for minimalism in your artsy weed pictures.
6) Go Weed
Based out of Portugal, Go-Weed curates original pictures from smokers around the world with only two requirements for submission. First, your pictures have to be high quality. Second, they need to belong to you. You can send in your buds, your pieces, or just a joint you rolled up extra nice. Curious about the curator? Their posts have their own section.
7) High Ideas
Stoners may not have a reputation as thought leaders, but anyone who’s sat in a circle knows that on occasion, pearls of wisdom fall from the mouths of the buzzed. High Ideas is a home for those ideas. Sadly, it isn’t updated frequently. But this self-described place “to share creative, interesting, funny, and even mind-blowing thoughts or creations” remains as an archive of brilliant high-deas. Some pretty heavy thoughts live alongside ruminations about dating and societal behaviors, revealing the existential side of the stoner world. It’s plenty silly, but there’s surprising depth to be found.
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8) The Glitch
Ok, this may not have anything to do directly with weed, but take a few minutes to surf the pot art dystopia that is The Glitch and you’ll see why you would clearly enjoy it more while high. This GIF artist builds stunning psychedelic GIFs that you can enjoy sober or adore after a joint. Put on a Grateful Dead album, spark some indicia, and turn down the lights, and stare at some art to scratch that spot behind your third eye.
9) My Weed Today
While many smokers do have a ritual, the truth is that most stoners don’t smoke the same way every day. Sure, you probably have your favorite papers, but some Mondays just don’t strike you as a joint day. Just because you smoke weed doesn’t mean you don’t contain multitudes. My Weed Today is a simple record of this truth, a blog that records one woman’s different smoke sessions. October 17 at 3:49pm? A blunt on a hammock. December 7 at 5:36pm? Smoking a bowl in a car. It’s an odd but amusing reflection of the stoner’s journey.
10) Weed LTD
Aggregation has its pros and cons, but on Weed LTD, reblogging is taken to the level of art form. Think Instagram’s Fuck Jerry, but strictly for weed memes. Focusing solely on humorous pot jokes, Weed LTD isn’t gonna fill your feed with half-naked stoner models or candy crusted buds. This is the land of red-eyed Spongebob Squarepants and messed up texts to Mom. We recommend hitting a heavy sativa before you visit.
11) Change Your Bong Water
The stoner community could always use more classy ladies, and this blog is focused on both good weed and women who regularly enjoy it. If you’re a fan of beautiful glass art, sexy and creative bong hit videos sometimes featuring the blog’s owner herself, and close-up weed shots, scrolling through this stoner feed will feel almost as chill as taking a hit yourself.
12) Girls Gone Weed
Weed culture now has its own pin-up site, thanks to the Tumblr blog Girls Gone Weed. Updated whenever the writer gets around to it, GGW showcases the most beautiful women stoners on Earth. Sometimes smoking, sometimes surrounded by actionable amounts of product, but always gorgeous. Girls Gone Weed is a light-hearted bit of stoner cheesecake to sweeten up your week. By staying clear of nudity or graphic sexuality this is a Tumblr that focuses more on wholesome weed crushes rather than some of the combination weed and porn sites out there. Thanks Girls Gone Weed.

Didn’t find what you were looking for? Here’s how to smoke a vape like a pro, how much a gram of weed actually costs, and the best pot brownie recipe on the internet, in case you were wondering. Plus, check out the best NSFW Tumblr blogs and lesbian Tumblr.
Editor’s note: This article is regularly updated for relevance.