
Weatherman says the most awkward thing in the history of weathermen

Oh, Charlie.

Photo of David Britton

David Britton

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Doing live TV has always carried risks, and it’s not like newscasters haven’t embarrassed themselves before. In fact, they’ve done it plenty of times.

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But this TV news blooper? This one is epic. This one might be the king of all awkwardness. It’s impossible to watch this clip without curling up into a ball and repeatedly chanting the word “no” like it’s some sort of magic spell that can make it all stop. 

But it can’t. Nothing can stop this nightmare train once it’s going full steam ahead.


Okay, it’s one thing for this guy to seem like he’s making a joke for the first time in his life. It’s as if he came into work thinking, “Hey, other weather guys are always making jokes. Didn’t David Letterman start out as a weatherman? No matter what happens today, I’m making a joke!” 

If this were just a story of a guy who stammered his way through a bad joke, we could all chuckle and move on. Instead, what we have is basically this:

Anchorwoman: Hey, this dog is cute. Someone should adopt him.
Weatherman: Yeah, I bet you’d like to have sex with him, because nobody else finds you attractive.

Although we don’t have a copy of the station’s sexual-harassment policy, it’s likely that implying that your coworker is into beastiality crosses that line. And if you’re going to do it, at least do it with a little more confidence. As it stands, this guy isn’t even good enough to get a reality-TV deal, and it’s a fair bet he’s going to need a new source of income really soon.


The icing on the cake is his addition of “I crack myself up, if I don’t crack anyone else up.” 

Oh, we’re laughing, pal, just maybe not with you.

Photo via Andreas Øverland/Flickr (CC BY 2.0)

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