
Parham Ghobadi/Twitter

People are Photoshopping Ivanka Trump into places she doesn’t belong 

It’s a riff on her presence at the G20 Summit.


Caitlin Davis

Internet Culture

Ivanka Trump can be seen in a viral video awkwardly trying to insert herself into a conversation amongst world leaders at the G20 Summit. People are now Photoshopping her into places she doesn’t belong to make fun of the moment–along with the hashtag #UnwantedIvanka.

The First Daughter and White House advisor received criticism for her involvement in the G20 Summit, despite her lack of status as an elected official or member of the president’s cabinet.

The conversation in question was taking place between British Prime Minister Theresa May, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, French President Emmanuel Macron and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Chair Christine Lagarde. The video was released by the French government on Sunday.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said Trump’s presence at the summit could hurt U.S. diplomatic standing, since “being someone’s daughter actually isn’t a career qualification.”

Critics suggested the video showed Trump interjecting into a conversation she was not welcome in or qualified for, thus the Twitter sensation of #UnwelcomeIvanka was born.

“I also had a dream, but you can go first. #UnwantedIvanka,” one Twitter user wrote.

Trump can now be seen everywhere she doesn’t belong, from playing football next to a kneeling Colin Kaepernick to standing with serial killer Ted Bundy.





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