#hornyhobbies coronavirus

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Folks are sharing their #hornyhobbies amid coronavirus lockdowns

Phallic knitting projects? Check.


Ginny Woo

Internet Culture

Posted on Mar 26, 2020   Updated on Jan 27, 2021, 8:12 pm CST

Staying home to prevent coronavirus has everyone going a little bit stir-crazy online. Amid the ways to spend time, playing Animal Crossing and the #distancedance seem to be at the top of the list. People on Twitter had a front-row seat to the latest trend: sharing #hornyhobbies.

The hashtag popped up Wednesday when satire website Weekly Humorist put out a call for jokes about non-traditional things to do during coronavirus lockdowns. Since then, the hashtag has evolved a bit.


Some posts are earnest (one person shared a link to their ASMR YouTube account). There are also plenty of tongue-in-cheek interpretations of the topic—and there are, of course, memes.

Fancy some pictures of phallic knitting? Those exist. Frustrated that you’re not in lockdown with your significant other? The #hornyhobbies hashtag includes complaints about that, too.

Other users on Twitter are using the hashtag for selfies or sexual puns.

If you’re trying to find something to do while isolating, you could probably do worse than comb #hornyhobbies for a couple of laughs.


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*First Published: Mar 26, 2020, 11:43 am CDT