
Trump cannot for the life of him spell the word ‘heal’ correctly

We all make spelling mistakes. But this is getting ridiculous.

Photo of Andrew Couts

Andrew Couts

Donald Trump can't spell 'heal'

President Donald Trump may just want to stop using the word “heal.”

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In a tweet posted on Friday morning, the president sent an uplifting message of hope and recovery to the people of Texas who are reeling from what is believed to be the most damaging hurricane in United States history.

“Texas is heeling fast thanks to all of the great men & women who have been working so hard,” Trump wrote. “But still, so much to do. Will be back tomorrow!”

(Side note: Trump also misused “fast,” which is an adjective. He should have written “healing quickly,” as “quickly” is an adverb. But that might be asking a bit much.)



This is not the first time Trump has misspelled “heal.” In fact, it’s at least the fourth time he’s misspelled “heal” this month. Just after Hurricane Harvey began devastating southeast Texas, Trump twice misspelled the word.

Our great country has been divided for decade [sic], but it will come together again. Sometimes protest is needed in order to heel [sic], and heel [sic] we will!” Trump wrote. He corrected one of the misspelled words in a subsequent tweet only to misspell “heal” again. By the third try, he nailed it.


Some, such as New York Times columnist Farhad Manjoo, have defended Trump’s misspelled tweets because… spelling isn’t something we should care about anymore? But when we’re dealing with a president who issues policy directives from on Twitter, perhaps attention to detail should be higher on the priority list.

The Daily Dot