
Is Trump defiling the U.S. flag in this MAGA dude’s artwork? (updated)

People seem to think so.

Photo of Tiffanie Drayton

Tiffanie Drayton


Artwork inspired by President Donald Trump is leaving people just as confused as his presidency.

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The live painting, by artist Jon McNaughton, features the 45th President holding a tattered America flag pressed tightly to his bosom while holding a light blue cloth in one hand. McNaughton shared the painting with Twitter (big mistake), with an added special effect that makes the hand holding the blue cloth move up and down. Twitter users are confused about what exactly is happening in the painting.

“That is the scariest painting I have ever seen. What is all about? Is this after he shreds the flag to bits? Why does he look like he has dementia? I have too many questions to ask in one tweet,” one user wrote.



Many think the president looks like he is defiling the flag.



Update 11:00pm CT, July 22: McNaughton seems to be an artist who lets his work be open to interpretation.

“How people interpret a painting says a lot about who they are and what they believe,” McNaughton told the Daily Dot in an email statement.

According to McNaughton’s website, the painting is supposed to symbolize Trump’s devotion to protecting the flag from those pesky NFL protestors. You know, those players who refused to stand for the anthem in protest of police brutality against Black people.


“I painted President Trump picking up a shredded and trampled flag off the football field. He holds a wet cloth in his right hand, as he attempts to clean it,” his website reads. “I respect America. I respect the flag, the anthem, and the President; because he doesn’t back down to those who do not.”


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