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These Trump supporters fell for a ballot-destroying hoax

What kind of USPS worker would tweet that?


Jay Hathaway

Internet Culture

In the context of Donald Trump‘s ongoing campaign to convince America the presidential election is rigged, someone on Weird Twitter made a joke:

Ha ha! It’s funny because no one who actually intended to tamper with ballots would tweet about it. No one could possibly mistake Randy’s gag, making light of Trump supporters’ paranoia, for a serious admission. Or could they?!

Sadly, they could.

Here comes reliable, stable, and unbiased scoop-deliverer Matt Drudge to tell everyone what’s up:

Once Randy’s joke was reported as news on Drudge’s front page, all manner of “deplorables” popped up in Randy’s mentions to act all red and nude online.

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… and one of them was actor and Twitter yeller Scott Baio.

The gag even made it to Rush Limbaugh, who discussed it on the air and somehow managed to link the fake post office worker to Benghazi conspiracy theories.

Are all of these people stupid? Maybe! 

But pretending to take jokes seriously, removing their context, and trying to use them against opponents is a fairly typical tactic of the alt-right, so also maybe not? 

Either way, someone named Randy G Dub is not a post office employee trying to steal the election from Donald Trump. The United States Postal Service has confirmed it:

Although this forced a retraction from Drudge, Randy’s mentions are still a very funny shitstorm, the well-deserved treasure of a successful troll.

R.I.P Randy’s menchies.

The Daily Dot