Steve Bannon

Photo via Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Steve Bannon is out—but the good tweets are in

Bannon is gone, but humor is not.


David Covucci

Internet Culture

As expected, senior White House adviser Steve Bannon is no longer part of the Trump administration.

While there are some conflicting reports over the when and why Bannon is out—some are reporting he resigned on Aug. 7, while others say he was fired—there is no doubt that users of the social networking site Twitter had a lot to say about it.

There was no love lost between the more liberal users of the site and Bannon, whom many thought to be a vehicle for the most odious elements of President Donald Trump‘s agenda. They gleefully celebrated his swift downfall from ‘shadow president’ to the unemployment line.

(That’s a true thing that happened!)

Others pointed out the almost unconscionable amount of change Trump has presided over in seven months.

That’s a lot! Best wishes to the next chief strategist. It sure won’t be Clay Aiken.

The Daily Dot