Roger Stone

Photo via stoneonstyle/Twitter

The roast of Roger Stone’s inauguration day outfit right now is top-notch

He may have to flee the country.


David Covucci

Internet Culture

Magicians often use our own attention spans against us when performing sleight of hand. Show us one thing, and while we are focused on that, sneak something else more important by in plain sight.

Apparently, the Donald Trump administration used the same tactic on inauguration day. Because while we were all focused on Kellyanne Conway’s outfit, an even more absurd fashion disaster walked right in front of us.


That’s Trump’s self-styled adviser/confidante Roger Stone, who left the campaign in August, cosplaying a robber baron. Stone appeared to remain involved with Trump after his departure, declaring the president’s opponent finished in advance of the Wikileaks dump that rocked Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

One way or another, he went to the inauguration. And his outfit was ignored. But it did not stay in the shadows forever, for @spookperson found it, and began roasting it with such savagery that the president may be forced to intervene.

And while that is perfect, she did not stop there.

This mockery goes on for SEVENTY more tweets, and guess what? Every single one of them is a gem.

You might not believe me, but it’s true.

Start at the top and give the whole thing a read here.

The Daily Dot