The internet is showing no remorse to a neo-Nazi who got punched in the face after President Donald Trump‘s inauguration.
On Sunday, just days after being attacked, alt-right leader Richard Spencer tweeted at Aziz Ansari, who hosted this weekend’s Saturday Night Live episode, in response to Ansari’s standup monologue.
During his bit, Ansari mentioned the alt-right movement, one that embraces racism, white supremacy, and the preservation of the white race in the U.S., not by name but by the term, “lower-case K.K.K.“
“The problem is, there’s a new group… I’m talking about these people that, as soon as Trump won, they’re like, ‘We don’t have to pretend like we’re not racist anymore! We don’t have to pretend anymore! We can be racist again! Whoo!,’” Ansari said. “You know who I’m talking about. There’s like this new lower-case K.K.K. movement that started. This kind of casual white supremacy.”
The monologue struck a chord with Spencer, who asked Ansari if he’d been triggered by the neo-Nazi’s work.
— Richard Spencer (@RichardBSpencer) January 22, 2017
It seems like we really triggered you?#AltRight
Given that Spencer had just been filmed being punched by a man with alleged ties to the black bloc (a protesting tactic rooted in anarchism, where people dress in all black to identify each other while remaining anonymous) while giving an interview after Friday’s inauguration, the internet had a different take on who really had been “triggered” this weekend.
.@RichardBSpencer @azizansari Everyone saw you cry on TV. You didn’t even get to talk about your frog pin. You just held your face and cried
— Sean O’Neal (@seanoneal) January 23, 2017
Yes, everyone, absolutely everyone, saw Spencer “cry” on “TV”—that is, if by “cry” we mean hold his hand to his red face and walk away from the scene of the punch, and by “TV” we mean a video clip uploaded to Twitter.
The “Everyone say you cry on TV” line has become a meme of sorts.
Everyone saw you cry on TV, Richard, and it was pretty funny imho
— As seen on (@jdcrowley) January 23, 2017
.@RichardBSpencer Everyone saw you cry on tv.
— Continuity Ted Leo Account (@tedleo) January 23, 2017
I’ve cried, but not on tv and not everyone saw it.
— Lindsay McDowens (@doctormcdougall) January 23, 2017
.@RichardBSpencer Something tells me we’re going to be seeing you cry a lot more.
— Heather Bucha Whaley (@HeatherWhaley) January 23, 2017
It is almost exhausting trying to think about all the people who saw Richard Spencer cry on TV.
Are you ok hun? It’s just that everyone saw you cry on tv.
— Aaron Gilbert (@AaronDelays) January 23, 2017
Everyone saw you cry on TV
— Scott Tobias (@scott_tobias) January 23, 2017
are you a 2nd place child pageant contestant on a reality show? Because everyone saw you cry on TV
— Lucy O’Brien (@Luceobrien) January 23, 2017
Ansari has yet to acknowledge to the Spencer’s comment, but we know how he’ll respond if he chooses to do so.