carving halloween pumpkin

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Pumpkin carving videos provide soothing ASMR for fall

These carving videos will have you out of your gourd.


Brittany Vincent

Internet Culture

It’s officially fall. That means it’s time to bust out the delicious pumpkin spice lattes (no apologies here), head out to haunted houses, rake pesky leaves, and enjoy the season. For many, that includes carving up pumpkins to be lit from the inside and used as Halloween decorations.

Typically, carving a pumpkin involves taking some plastic utensils with fiddly ends, scooping out the insides, and digging in with your hands because those tools are pretty garbage, anyway. Then comes the haphazard stencil application and the painstaking hacking away at the front of the pumpkin to make some sort of … design … vaguely reminiscent of a toothy jack-‘o-lantern grin.

It’s hardly relaxing. In fact, the activity can be stressful, especially with kids involved. So if you want to skip the frustrating, real-world pumpkin carving in lieu of something more calming, you owe it to yourself to check out pumpkin carving videos on YouTube. They’re the seasonal ASMR videos we need.

These pumpkin-carving wizards on the video streaming platform perform what look like feats of magic.

And yet the artists really doing it, making gorgeous sculptures out of ordinary pumpkins. They pull fibrous from the pumpkins and deftly maneuver their way around the gourd itself, putting together absolute masterpieces.

There’s something oddly soothing about watching these crazy designs come together, and once you start watching, beware—you’re going to be hooked.

Even if you’re not into traditional ASMR videos, see if these Halloween-themed carving videos don’t do it for you instead.


H/T Mashable

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