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Naked Donald Trump statues are being erected in cities across America

When art gets ugly.


Gabe Bergado

Internet Culture

It really feels like Donald Trump appeared out of nowhere to enter the presidential election. Now statues made in his likeness are also popping up in cities across the United States.

And holy shit, they’re Donald in the nude.

Cities graced with these mysterious pieces of art include San Francisco, New York, Seattle, Cleveland, and Los Angeles. They all depict the presidential hopeful in the buff with his hands (which appear to be normal people-sized) crossed over his protruding belly and a dissatisfied look on his face. Oh and most importantly, the statues have small dicks and no balls.

The statues are part of Anarchist group INDECLINE‘s “The Emperor Has No Balls” project. But to help actually make the statues, it employed the help of a Las Vegas-based artist named Ginger. He was reportedly selected because of his experience with creating monsters for haunted houses and horror movies.

Ginger told the Washington Post, “Trump is just yet another monster, so it was absolutely in my wheelhouse to be able to create these monstrosities.”

It took 300 pounds of clay and silicone and 25 hours per week of work since April to create the ghoulish figures. 

INDECLINE also told the Post, “Like it or not, Trump is a larger-than-life figure in world culture at the moment … Looking back in history, that’s how those figures were memorialized and idolized in their time—with statues.”

While the statue is still up in cities like San Francisco, Patch reports that the statue was removed from New York City’s Union Square just after 1pm ET on Thursday. But by then, of course, pictures already began circulating on social media. 

Still, it seemed like somebody official was amused.

This isn’t the first time that Trump’s naked, micro-endowed figure has been used for an artistic statement. Earlier this year, artist Illma Gore illustrated a similar image and posted it online.

Looks like all these artists are on the same page about Trump’s dick size. 

H/T The Washington Post

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