
Kevin Durant accused of using fake Twitter accounts to bicker with haters

Is Kevin Durant the MVP of having fake Twitter accounts?

Photo of Jay Hathaway

Jay Hathaway

Kevin Durant twitter

Depending on your perspective, Kevin Durant is either a hero or a sellout. He left Oklahoma City for Golden State, a team that arguably would have won the NBA championship without him, to collect a ring. But he was also the Finals MVP. Due to the circumstances, online haters aren’t letting KD enjoy his victories, and he can’t seem to ignore them. On the contrary, there’s evidence he might even be using fake accounts to defend himself on Twitter.

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Is Durant referring to himself in the third person here? “He didn’t like the OKC organization,” he wrote, “… his roster wasn’t that good.”

One theory being floated is that Durant forgot to switch Twitter accounts before jumping into the Twitter debate and that he meant to post this defense of himself using a sockpuppet.


An alternate theory: Durant’s social media team was using his account legitimately, but someone had a brainfart and forgot to write as KD. Oops! This one is much more dignified than the idea that a multimillionaire NBA star spends his free time responding to randos on Twitter dot com, but it also might be less likely. The third-person slipup has happened to Durant more than once, and it doesn’t seem like something a professional social media manager would repeat.

Hard to know for sure what’s going on here, but tens of thousands have retweeted a callout of Durant for the mistake and jokers are having a field day with it.


This might go beyond Twitter, too: Some have speculated that Durant also has a secret personal Instagram account that he uses to comment on his public account’s photos.


Again, none of this has been definitively proven. But, if it’s true, it seems like a lot more work than just ignoring the critics and enjoying your life.

Update 6:05pm CT, Sept. 20: A Durant YouTube comment from last week indirectly speaks to the situation, but with moving candor and revealing insight. As USA Today flagged, Durant responded to a question in the comments about why he cares what people think of him:

..I play basketball, I got acne, I grew up with nothing, in still figuring myself out in my late 20, I slide in DMs, I make fun of my friends, I drink beers and play Xbox. I’m closer to you than u think

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