Julian Assange raising his fist outside Ecuadoran embassy

Screengrab via CBC News/YouTube

Julian Assange gets laughed off of Twitter after tone deaf poll

Lies—good or bad?


Tiffany Kelly

Internet Culture

On Friday morning, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange decided to conduct a Twitter poll. Many people use Twitter polls to jokingly ask for life advice, but Assange seemed serious about the question he posed.

“Between Trump’s directness & leaks the Trump admin is the most transparent in living memory—despite its policies,” he wrote. “Good or bad?”

The poll doesn’t close for a day, but the consensus on Twitter is clear. People think Assange’s tweet is one of the worst takes on the Trump administration.



WikiLeaks famously published thousands of emails related to Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party before the election, which many thought swayed things in Trump’s favor. Last summer, Assange said that choosing whether to vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump for president was like choosing between two different STDs. It’s unclear who Assange currently supports (if anyone), but he definitely has an opinion about what information should be released to the public—and how.

In July, Assange said that he reached out to Donald Trump Jr. about publishing his emails on WikiLeaks.

Days later, he tweeted in support of a lawsuit that claims Trump is violating the First Amendment by blocking users on Twitter.

Now Assange wants to discuss the administration’s transparency—even if it’s not intentional.

But many thought Assange whiffed here and gave him examples of how the Trump administration isn’t actually transparent.

Of course, if Assange really cares about transparency, he could always leak more documents on the current administration.

Your move, Assange.

The Daily Dot