Italian mayor press conference on coronavirus

Regione Campania/Facebook

We need these cranky Italian mayors to battle coronavirus

They do not have time to be polite.


Kahron Spearman

Internet Culture

Amid the overwhelming global outbreak of coronavirus or COVID-19, many city leaders in the United States have been either lax or adamant about people staying their homes. However, throughout Italy, which has been devastated by the virus, mayors have taken on a decidedly more pointed tack in addressing their constituents. 

One amazing supercut of a handful of Italian mayors shows them out in the streets admonishing city folk or outright threatening to send police with flamethrowers for being outside.

Yes, flamethrowers.


In places like Mississippi and Florida, city administrators have been unwilling to so much as close the beaches.

In major metropolises, like New York City and London, the messaging has been much direr, such as what’s come from the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.

California shut down most of the state last week, allowing only essential services. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti halted beach parking and recreation facilities after leaders saw “too many people packing beaches, trails and parks” over the first weekend of the “Safer at Home” order issued by the city on Thursday.

The problem with the proclamations, of course, is that people are still moving around. On Monday morning, Londoners were still using the “tube,” or subway system. 

It may just take some salty Italian mayors to set the rest of the world straight.

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