funny star wars memes featured

Star Wars/YouTube

A sampling of the funniest ‘Star Wars’ memes the internet has to offer

I find your lack of memes disturbing.


Nahila Bonfiglio

Internet Culture

The impending release of Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker has the Star Wars fanbase abuzz with excitement. Add to that a slew of anticipated series headed to Disney+ this winter, and there’s lots of exciting Star Wars content on the horizon.

While we wait for the end of the Skywalker Saga, here are some Star Wars memes to help you remember some of the best moments from the series.

Funny Star Wars memes

From ultra-niche jokes to goofy jabs at characters, dialogue, and storylines, the internet has been pumping out funny Star Wars memes for years. There is no shortage of material to work with, either. Dozens of video games, books, comics, series, and films set in the expansive Star Wars universe all provide ammunition for clever puns, silly jokes, and meta references.

So without further ado, here are the best Star Wars memes the internet has to offer.

Star Wars prequel trilogy

Anakin is so very easy to ridicule. The thoroughly mockable lines and reviled characters in the prequel trilogy provided plenty of ammunition for meme creators. They take aim at everything from Anakin’s slow fall to the dark side to Order 66 and, of course, sand.

funny Star Wars memes - hate meme
funny Star Wars memes - Order 66 meme
funny Star Wars memes - cat meme
funny Star Wars memes - Emperor's New Groove
funny Star Wars memes - Palpatine
funny Star Wars memes - sand
funny Star Wars memes - younglings

Funny Star Wars original trilogy memes

Even those uninitiated into the Star Wars fandom (poor, lost souls) are familiar with some aspects of the original trilogy. Hard-working creators of funny Star Wars memes immortalized iconic moments from all three movies.

funny Star Wars memes - never tell me the odds
funny Star Wars meme - Unlimited Power
funny Star Wars memes - Boba Fett
funny Star Wars memes - college
funny Star Wars memes - burned
funny Star Wars memes - Chewie
funny Star Wars memes - rebel bass
funny Star Wars memes - Ewok

Star Wars sequel trilogy

Despite the overall popularity of the most recent movies, there is plenty of memeable material in the visually stunning films. Characters, expectations, and plot lines all provide the perfect material for fresh, 21st-century funny Star Wars memes. Rey’s lightsaber, featured in the most recent trailers for Rise of Skywalker, is a frequent target.

funny Star Wars memes - Rise of Skywalker
funny Star Wars memes - Mandalorian
funny Star Wars memes - lightsaber
funny Star Wars memes - switchblade lightsaber
funny Star Wars memes - hi mark
funny Star Wars memes - Kylo
funny Star Wars memes - Linkin Park
funny Star Wars memes - Benioff Weiss


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