
After court cites tweets in travel ban block, Trump lashes out on Twitter

Donald Trump may not have learned his lesson.

Photo of David Covucci

David Covucci

donald trump travel ban tweets

On Monday morning, the lynchpin of Donald Trump‘s presidential agenda, his travel ban, suffered another ignominious defeat at the hands of the judicial branch. But it appears the president learned little from the legal defeat.

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In the 9th Circuit Court of Appeal’s ruling, the justices specifically cited Trump’s tweets in the lead-up to their decision, saying that the order “does not provide any link between an individual’s nationality and their propensity to commit terrorism or their inherent dangerousness.”

“Indeed, the President recently confirmed his assessment that it is the ‘countries’ that are inherently dangerous, rather than the 180 million individual nationals of those countries who are barred from entry under the President’s ‘travel ban,’” the court wrote in its decision.

Trump’s travel ban would bar entry into the United States of citizens from six Muslim-majority nations, which includes Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.


This morning, it appears Trump took nothing from the justices’ ruling, lambasting them over the very same medium using almost identical language as his previous consequential tweets. The difference? Trump shifted the element of danger away from the countries included in his travel ban and instead focused on the danger the U.S. faces.


Whether Trump’s tweets would be considered by the court was a matter of great interest. The court did not need to include them as they weighed the matter, but it’s clear that it consider Trump’s tweets relevant, important, and a way to determine his prior intent with his ban.


It’s presumed Trump, in the bottom of the tweet above, means “Supreme Court” and that he intends to appeal this ruling as well. The administration already asked the Supreme Court to hear the 4th Circuit Court’s decision against the ban.

Trump’s original travel ban was implemented on Jan. 27 and was slated to last 90 days. It has been 137 days since then.

The Daily Dot