
Get ready to fall in love with this dog in handmade clothes

This dog might be Instagram’s next big fashion icon.

Photo of David Britton

David Britton

Dog wearing clothes

Sure, a dog in a sweater can be cute. But if you are still buying off the rack for your pooch, you’re missing out on the incredible world of true dog fashion. To achieve a higher level of sophistication, you will need to order handmade clothes to fit your friend perfectly, and if you doubt that could possibly make a difference, take a look at these pictures of Jackson, a Shar Pei with more style than most Vogue models.

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Twitter user @rubymaee posted the pictures of her very handsome dog and noted that she “literally can’t cope.” It turns out that Twitter can’t, either. The combination of this dog, with his button-down shirts and big head, are just too much for the human brain to comprehend.


And if you’re sad you only got to see two pictures of this very good boy, then you need to wipe away those tears because he has his own Instagram account dedicated to how fly AF he looks.



“Wrinkly Jackson,” as he’s known on Instagram, also seems to have acquired the power of speech, which he, not surprisingly, uses to post inspirational messages to those not blessed with his incredible fashion sense and adorable face.

Wrinkly J doesn’t spend all his time dressed up, though. Just because he’s a fashion icon doesn’t mean he can’t lose the fancy duds and have an afternoon of fun hanging out with his friends.


Then it’s off to bed. After all, when you’re an Instagram model, you’ve got to get your beauty rest in.

The Daily Dot