
Ahsan Hamid Durrani/Twitter

Cat filter turns Pakistani politicians’ press conference into frisky business

The incident was caused by ‘human error.’


Dominic-Madori Davis

Internet Culture

Pakistani minister Shaukat Ali Yousafzai was livestreaming a press conference on Facebook when something went awry. Yousafzai was momentarily turned into a cat with the help of a Facebook filter on Monday.

Yousafzai had the cat filter on for several minutes during the livestream. Other politicians were also affected by the filter.


Yousafzai was probably speaking about serious, political business when a volunteer accidentally turned on the cat filter–giving him pink ears and whiskers.

The video, which was posted to the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party’s official Facebook page, was quickly taken down. The party then released a statement, calling the cat blunder a “human error.”  The party wrote that actions have been taken to “avoid such incident in the future.”

People don’t seem to mind the error.

“Continue making such human errors and spreading smiles…there’s not much else to smile about nowadays anyway!” Madiha Saeed wrote on Twitter.

Yousafzai also made light of the situation.

“I wasn’t the only one,” Yousafzai told Agence France-Presse. “Two officials sitting along me were also hit by the cat filter.”


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H/T the Verge

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The Daily Dot