
These 5 stoner cooking shows will get you higher than a fine soufflé

Got the munchies?

Photo of Luke Winkie

Luke Winkie

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VH1 recently announced a cooking show with Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart, which is the exact sort of cross-cultural branding that has made the channel the most valuable repository of pop culture weirdness in the world. If I were to guess, about 20 percent of Snoop Dogg’s cooking show will feature weed. I have an image of Snoop getting super jazzed about some the cannabis-infused polish sausage Martha Stewart brought home from Amsterdam. I hope every episode is recorded on a vacant cruise ship.

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That led us to speculate that there were probably a million weed-centric culinary programs on YouTube because at this point the YouTube might as well be the Magic Mirror: As long as you can imagine it, it will be made manifest. Sure enough, after a quick dive, we’re reporting back with five stoner cooking shows that will absolutely be more rewarding than whatever VH1 has in mind.

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1) Munchie Madness

According to the channel, Munchie Madness aired for a couple seasons on UDTV (I have no idea) sometime in 2008. This is a compilation of the BEST MOMENTS, and it’s seriously like if Tim and Eric made a weed cooking show. I kinda love it. Seriously. Somebody give me a basket of Chad Wings right now.

2) CustomGrow420

OK, so technically CustomGrow420 doesn’t make weed cooking videos, but he does try a lot of edible and drinkable marijuana products. Also all of his videos come with maybe my favorite titles on YouTube. I mean, please enjoy “EATING WEED!!!!!!!! DRINKING WEED!!!!!!” It won’t disappoint.


3) Cooking With Marijuana

Cooking With Marijuana, from Ruffhouse Studios, has this amazing infomercial vibe that’s about 200 times removed from the happy-go-lucky shitheadness of Munchie Madness. My boy Matt gets downright scientific with weed. In the video below, he’s infusing cannabis with olive oil and cooking a pizza with it. That’s awesome. We need more innovators!


4) UptownGrowLab, Inc.’s Cooking With Marijuana

Yeah, this is another video series with “cooking with marijuana” as part of its name, but there’s something a little more indie about UptownGrowLab, Inc. YouTube is great because it means you can spend 10 minute watching a man carry a handheld camera around the kitchen while trying to figure out how he can make gummi bears that get him high.

5) Brother Green Eats


These guys. Brothers Green Eats are two lovable dummies who record super earnest videos about how to make a peanut butter and jelly quesadilla. Or “‘dilla,” as they say. It’s all presented with the instructional tone of Gordon Ramsay’s YouTube channel, which makes it even more endearing. One of their recipes is literally just putting ice cream into a bowl of Lucky Charms. Maybe all anti-drug videos in America should start with “if you smoke too much weed, you might find yourself cooking an egg on a George Foreman grill.”