
People are downing teaspoons of hot sauce for the #FeelTheBernChallenge

It’s about to get hot in here.

Photo of Gabe Bergado

Gabe Bergado

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Bernie Sanders supporters might already “Feel the Bern,” but their lips are going to start tingling with heat thanks to the #FeelTheBernChallenge

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The movement, launched by writer Wayne Gladstone earlier this week, involves participants donating $3 to Sanders’s campaign or recording themselves guzzling down a teaspoon of hot sauce. You can also do both, supporting Sanders’ campaign and showing off your tolerance for spice.

The Feel The Bern Challenge is reminiscent of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, which helped raise awareness of and money for the disease. That challenge was all the rage during the summer of 2014. You couldn’t scroll through your newsfeed without seeing yet another friend or celebrity dumping some icy water on themselves.


People within Gladstone’s network have already accepted his challenge and begun nominating people in their own networks. So began the chain reaction of Sanders supporters swallowing hot sauce and donating money to help his campaign.



This isn’t even the first campaign to combine spicy foods and the Berning sensation. Sanders supporters also ran a #BernChallenge in late November and early December to rally behind the candidate.


There’s even a website dedicated to the cause that appears very similar to the #FeelTheBernChallenge, minus the donation option.

Either way, if you’re looking to give Bernie Sanders some exposure, grab some Tapatio and a glass of milk. It’s time to feel both the Bern and the burn.

H/T Death and Taxes | Photo via yohutch/Flickr (CC BY SA 2.0)

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