According to the site, yesterday was “Chocolate Chip Day,” tomorrow is “Packrat Day” and today is “Drawing Day.”
It seems that we’re constantly being told that it’s such-and-such day, or International Dryer Lint Month, or Mother’s Day or whatever (just kidding, mom) and, after awhile, it begins to all seem like background noise.
So if you missed that it’s currently “British Sandwich Week,” don’t feel too bad. Besides, there’s still time to go out and get your friends and family the traditional gift. You know, a bowl of pudding.
The BBC also released this stunning video to let you know that it’s possible for you to actually make your own sandwiches!
Lunch Hack – A good solution for working parents, more on top of things at work than at home? #food #BritishSandwichWeek
— Dougal Shaw (@dougalshawBBC) May 15, 2017
It’s impossible to tell if this is the famous dry English wit we hear so much about, or if this guy is seriously trying to explain to people that they can make a sandwich. Not how to make a good sandwich, or even how to make a sandwich, but just a simple report that you, yes you, an adult human, are in fact capable of making a sandwich. The power has been inside of you all along.
People who watched the video on Twitter seemed equal parts confused and indignant.
OMG. It’s a revelation! Tomorrow: boil water in a kettle and make your own tea to save money. *How* much do we pay you?
— David Bertram (@DavidBertram1) May 16, 2017
Hi Dougal. I honestly can’t tell, is this a joke?
— Dave Hill (@ImCalledDave) May 16, 2017
Supermarkets also have other products that you can combine to create meals for other times of the day. Sorry to spoil your next hack.
— Treforest Gump (@TreforestGump) May 16, 2017
Is this a parody?
— Bigkenny (@bigkenny1975) May 16, 2017
— Andy Kingᵉᵐᵘˡˢᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ (@Kinanswer) May 16, 2017
Throughout the video the reporter does nothing to let us know he’s in on the joke if, in fact, that’s what this is, but there a few reasons to think this might be a parody.
- He refers to making a sandwich as a “lunch hack”
- he tries using a table knife to cut a loaf of a bread

- He claims he suddenly “realized” that all the ingredients to make a sandwich are available in the supermarket.
- He refers to making sandwiches as an “experiment”.
- He claims to be “the envy” of his coworkers and backs it up with these shots of people clearly not giving a fuck.

- Pretty much every single thing he says or does in this video.
Of course, it’s entirely possible that he’s not joking, and seriously wanted to let everyone know that sandwiches are a thing you can totally make if you just put in the time and effort. In which case we look forward to his next video: “How to find a new job.”
H/T BBC News