Internet Culture

This ‘concert tour’ T-shirt of all the sh***y ousted men is helping sexual assault survivors

And another one, and another one, and another one…

Photo of Samantha Grasso

Samantha Grasso

The 'Knockin' Em Down Tour' shirt of men who have been ousted as sexual harassers or assaulters.

For the past two months, it’s been overwhelming trying to keep track of all the shitty men across politics, entertainment, media, and tech who have been ousted for sexual harassment or assault.

To help jolt your memory, New York City-based designer Meg Kinney has created one nifty shirt to help you remember which powerful men were outed as predators. Behold: the ‘Knockin’ ‘Em Down” tour shirt. Featuring the last names and dates of men including Bill O’Reilly, Harvey Weinstein, Sen. Al Franken, and Matt Lauer, this shirt (and sweatshirt) tells it like it is, proudly proclaiming “Another One Bites The Dust” on the front.

The 'Knockin' Em Down Tour' shirt of men who have been ousted as sexual harassers or assaulters.
Meg Shop
The 'Knockin' Em Down Tour' shirt of men who have been ousted as sexual harassers or assaulters.
Meg Shop

One tour date, however, remains noticeably blank, popping in red ink: “Trump TBA.” To date, at least 19 women have accused President Donald Trump of sexual assault or harassment, all of whom who’ve been called liars by the White House and Trump himself.

Not only is the clothing item great at silently advocating against abusive men in power, but $10 from each shirt or sweatshirt supports the New York Alliance Against Sexual Assault and the Women’s Support Network Of York Region, Ontario.

Kinney, the founder of clothing line Meg Shop, told Mic that the idea for the tops came from her design assistant, Alicia Riguzzi. Of course, the one unfortunate aspect of printing these designs is that they were destined to be outdated before they were even shipped—Michigan Rep. John Conyers has “retired” following the allegations against him, and Arizona Rep. Trent Franks has resigned.

Additionally, no shirt in the world would be large enough to fit all the “tour dates” of the lesser-known shitty men who have been ousted across smaller industries that won’t get the airtime that O’Reilly and Weinstein scandals have received.

However, perhaps that’s the “silver lining” that comes with this outdated design—knowing that, as time goes on, more women and men will be able to share their stories of harassment and assault and will contribute to this growing conversation on consent and abuses of power.

“Through devastation we’ve really found a clear voice and it’s been a beautiful journey,” Kinney said. “The donation is because all of this should not be for naught. It’s good we can poke fun and have a little humor, but let’s make what we do useful.”

You can purchase the shirt for $49 and the sweatshirt for $59 online through Meg Shop.

H/T Glamour

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