The second-screen experience is our first priority.

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YouTube Guide: Stuck in the “Friendzone”

Watch Dogs in boots, adults acting like children, and “Hunger Games for Math Nerds.”

On Sep 13, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger

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YouTube right now! A “Gangnam Style” wedding

Stephani Nguyen and Jeremy Ueno tied the knot Gangnam style. 

On Sep 13, 2012 by Kris Holt

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Dot Dot Dot: Starting fresh on the Web

The Internet has the power to address important issues of sexism and “thinspiration.” It’s just a matter of rising to the challenge.

On Sep 13, 2012 by Nicholas White

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Scottish official tweets link to pirated U.S. Open stream

One politician was so excited to see Andy Murray in the U.S. Open final that he accidentally tweeted a link to the pirated stream he was using to watch the match.

On Sep 13, 2012 by Kris Holt

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Dear Tumblr addicts: Fake Scientist will cure your symptoms

Are you feeling overly attached to GIFs or your hilarious cat? Fake Science 101 author Phil Edwards is here to help. 

On Sep 13, 2012 by [email protected]

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How to get Arnold Schwarzenegger to record your voicemail

The Governator is pulling out all the stops to promote his upcoming autobiography. He’ll even follow you on Twitter. 

On Sep 13, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger

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“Saturday Night Live” crowdsources next hosts and musicians

You can use Facebook or Twitter to help choose the show’s next celebrity guests.

On Sep 13, 2012 by Jordan Valinsky

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JK Keller turns a greasy iPhone into a work of art

“People are very interested in these places where beauty and repulsion are at odds with each other in very relatable ways,” he says.

On Sep 13, 2012 by Fernando Alfonso III

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Web Series 101: Where to find the best new shows online

Think of this list as your TV Guide for the Internet. 

On Sep 13, 2012 by Aja Romano

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The Morning GIF: Rapsodia Satanica

A mysterious image from the classic silent film.

On Sep 13, 2012 by Lorraine Murphy

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Dotted Lines: “Your Facebook is False”

Your feel-good Facebook status is false, and Rainn Wilson will tell you exactly why.

On Sep 12, 2012 by Jay Hathaway

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YouTube Guide: “Epic Rap Battle of Manliness”

YouTube duo Rhett and Link go mano-a-mano in a rap battle for the title of “manliest man.”  Plus: The best dad ever builds his kids an amazing Wipeout course.

On Sep 12, 2012 by Chase Hoffberger

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The Hater: 4 fall trends you should be scared of

It’s out with the old and in with the new as the Hater tells you which Internet trends are officially “dead,” and which new ones you should watch for this fall.

On Sep 12, 2012 by Jordan Valinsky

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Pop star Kelly Clarkson takes requests on Twitter

The former American Idol has pulled off some cool covers requested by fans on Twitter, and she’s seeing the buzz on YouTube. 

On Sep 12, 2012 by Jordan Valinsky

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The 10 funniest reaction GIFs from Tumblr’s #myfriendsaremarried

Finally, a Tumblr for single people who can’t stand reading about their married friends on Facebook.

On Sep 12, 2012 by Fernando Alfonso III

The Daily Dot