lesbian couple the Brazzels

Christian woman refuses to do taxes for lesbian married couple

This is what happens when discrimination is made legal.

On by Alex Dalbey

wiccan spells

What do Wiccans believe? A beginner’s guide to Wicca

Happy hexing.

On by Claire Lampen

Attorney General Jeff Sessions released a 25-page memo late last week that offers “guidance” to federal agencies regarding religious liberty protections.

Critics blast Jeff Sessions’ religious liberty guidelines as a ‘license to discriminate’

The 25-page memo tells federal agencies to err on the side of religious freedom.

On by Andrew Wyrich

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Trump’s religious freedom ambassador nominee is terribly unpopular

His approval rating as governor is 25 percent.

On by Ana Valens

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Jeff Sessions praises anti-LGBTQ group by comparing it to Martin Luther King Jr.

In a closed-door speech, the attorney general told the organization it does ‘important work.’

On by Ana Valens

supreme court

Supreme Court plans to hear case that could legalize LGBTQ discrimination

A Colorado baker argues he can refuse to serve a gay couple because that’s his religious right.

On by Ana Valens

birth control pills

White House takes steps to roll back mandatory birth control coverage

The Trump administration is following through on its promise to religious organizations.

On by Samantha Grasso

Donald Trump

Trump pushes religious freedom during Liberty University commencement speech

This speech was a stark difference from his presidential persona.

On by Samantha Grasso

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Texas bill calls on religious freedom to block LGBTQ families from adoptions, foster care

Jewish and Muslim families could also be discriminated against.

On by Ana Valens

Health and Human Services secretary Tom Price

Trump administration to ‘reexamine’ mandatory birth control coverage

You can probably say goodbye to no-co-pay birth control.

On by Samantha Grasso

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Trump signs ‘religious freedom’ order, lets churches engage in political activism

For now, legally allowing discrimination against LGBTQ people based on ‘religious liberties’ is off the table.

On by Ana Valens

american flag

Trump will reportedly sign new executive order on religious liberty

The ACLU is threatening to sue Trump over his latest reported order.

On by Anastassia Gliadkovskaya

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Texas can deny gay marriage licenses if this bill becomes law

Republicans are possibly feeling emboldened by our new Supreme Court justice.

On by Ana Valens

Kentucky LGBTQ trans flags

Kentucky legalizes LGBTQ discrimination in public schools

Now, religious or political clubs can bar LGBTQ students from their organizations.

On by Ana Valens

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Anti-LGBTQ ‘religious freedom’ executive order is still coming, hints Spicer

The White House may ‘have something’ to announce soon.

On by Ana Valens

The Daily Dot