Mathew Perry Instagram Post

‘Oh, so warm water swirling around makes you feel good?’: Matthew Perry’s haunting last Instagram post resurfaces after passing

‘He was a legend idk what to say I am about to cry.’

On Oct 29, 2023 by Stacy Fernandez

doctor speaking in office with caption 'Me to my fresh post op c-section mommas' (l) doctor speaking in office with caption 'Me to my fresh post op c-section mommas' (c) doctor speaking in office with caption 'Me to my fresh post op c-section mommas' (r)

Health professionals using a TikTok sound that makes light of opioid addiction isn’t a great look

TikTok’s got a thing for joking about percocet.

On Mar 22, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

Prescription Pain Pills spilling out of a bottle

TikTok’s ‘perc dance’ trend mocks the opioid epidemic

‘Percs aren’t a fun and trendy game.’

On Feb 8, 2023 by Tricia Crimmins

hand holding NARCAN NASAL SRAY on blush pink background

‘This might save a life’: Harm reduction TikTokers are taking to the platform to share information on safer drug use practices

‘Harm reduction is just as important as abstinence.’

On May 8, 2022 by Cecilia Lenzen

A police officer being given medication.

‘That isn’t how fentanyl works’: Police criticized for ‘copaganda’ video of officer’s accidental overdose

Did this sheriff’s department fake an officer overdosing from fentanyl for clout?

On Aug 6, 2021 by Claire Goforth

last day podcast

‘The Wire’ meets ‘Teen Mom’ in the ‘Last Day’ podcast

‘I want to save lives.’

On Sep 23, 2019 by Jeff Umbro

trump fentanyl

Trump’s new plan to fight opioid overdose? This tweet

The president has a curious response to China.

On Aug 23, 2019 by David Covucci

Kellyanne Conway in front of White House

Trump’s opioid council is excelling at doing absolutely nothing

It’s not doing well.

On Feb 15, 2018 by Brenden Gallagher

President Donald Trump shared Crystal Champ's story, but conveniently failed to mention much about her.

Wait, what about the homeless mother in Trump’s State of the Union address?

Trump conveniently failed to mention much about her.

On Jan 31, 2018 by Ana Valens

Donald Trump at podium

Trump’s 24-year-old opioid czar leaves administration

Weyeneth was the source of much consternation.

On Jan 25, 2018 by David Covucci

Prescription pills and bottle

Melania Trump is solving the opioid crisis with low-rent graphics

Melania’s graphic is getting laughed off of Twitter.

On Aug 8, 2017 by David Covucci

Homepage article image

John Oliver’s breakdown of the U.S. opioid epidemic should be required viewing

More than 2.6 million are addicted to opioids in the U.S.

On Oct 24, 2016 by Michelle Jaworski

Homepage article image

The FDA wants an anti-overdose app for heroin and opioid users

The agency is holding a competition for an app that connects drug users to life-saving medications.

On Sep 22, 2016 by [email protected]

Homepage article image

Friday’s White House press briefing turned into a real-life episode of ‘The West Wing’

There were some in-jokes, but there was also a serious message.

On Apr 29, 2016 by Eric Geller

The Daily Dot