Prescription pills and bottle

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Melania Trump is solving the opioid crisis with low-rent graphics

Melania’s graphic is getting laughed off of Twitter.


David Covucci

Internet Culture

This morning, President Donald Trump announced he would hold a major briefing on the opioid crisis from his country club in Bedminster, New Jersey.

In a rare feat of coordination for the administration, First Lady Melania Trump tweeted about the briefing, which will include her and Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price.

While the message is certainly admirable, the presentation left much to be desired. Because it’s.. a little low-rent.

By contrast, here is the vice president’s tweet about it.

After all, the opioid epidemic is one of America’s most profound social issues. More than 35,000 people died from overdoses of either prescription opiates or heroin in 2015. Surely it merits more than lifting an image from Getty, zooming too far in so it’s pixelated like whoa, and spending nine seconds debating the font?

It’s been a point of humor from the Twitterati that the Trump White House tends to skimp on its budget for design: There was the iMovie sent out after Aya Hijazi was freed, and the initial Trump-Pence campaign logo that was just a bit sexual. But still, the pixelated nature and lack of spaces in the image really left people bewildered.

Then again, maybe that the tired view. The wired view is that a lack of spaces is a new messaging strategy from the administration. After all, here’s what the president tweeted later in the day.


Then again maybe they’re just bad at this.

The Daily Dot