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The NSA can read your Facebook chats and emails in real time

According to the Guardian, the NSA refers to XKeyscore as having access to “nearly everything a user does on the Internet.” 

On Aug 1, 2013 by Joe Kloc

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U.S. admits NSA tracked email metadata until 2011

The NSA tracked who you emailed, who emailed you, and when. But not actually what you said.

On Jul 31, 2013 by Kevin Collier

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Twitter’s transparency can’t extend to secret FISA orders

The U.S. makes more requests for data than other governments combined, according to Twitter's latest transparency report.

On Jul 31, 2013 by Kris Holt

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Obama didn’t actually delete his promises of whistleblower protection

The White House says Change.gov, the president's old website full of campaign promises, wasn't taken down intentionally.

On Jul 31, 2013 by Jay Hathaway

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After Snowden leaks, daily adoption rate of PGP encryption triples

Kristian Fiskerstrand cautions that more users trying it out now doesn't necessarily mean they'll adopt the practice permanently.

On Jul 31, 2013 by Patrick Howell O'Neill

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Is the NSA trying to release secret surveillance documents before Snowden does?

In an effort to temper concerns about NSA spying, the Director of National Intelligence will declassify documents about NSA surveillance operations.

On Jul 30, 2013 by Joe Kloc

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Will the NSA call Edward Snowden a liar under oath?

On Wednesday NSA officials will defend the agency's controversial surveillance programs in the Senate. Will they stick to their story under oath?

On Jul 29, 2013 by Joe Kloc

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The unlikeliest ally in the fight against NSA spying

All of a sudden, tech companies like Microsoft, Google and Facebook are your strongest new ally. 

On Jul 29, 2013 by Chris R. Albon

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Massive anti-NSA protests planned for 39 German cities

Revelations about the NSA's online spying operations are especially sensitive for German citizens.

On Jul 26, 2013 by Kevin Collier

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GOP presidential hopefuls already defining positions on NSA spying

Rand Paul and Chris Christie, both rising stars of the Republican party, have very different views of the NSA's surveillance programs.

On Jul 26, 2013 by Kevin Collier

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Edward Snowden and the new checks and balances of the Internet

The Internet—a community that cannot be controlled—is today's counterweight to power. 

On Jul 25, 2013 by Nicholas White

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Unpublished NSA slides air on Brazilian television

According to one heatmap, a disproportionate amount of information is captured from Brazil … but why?

On Jul 25, 2013 by Joe Kloc

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In nail-biting vote, House allows NSA to keep tracking Americans’ phone calls

Rep. Justin Amash's amendment would have blocked the NSA from collecting metadata on Americans not under criminal investigation.

On Jul 24, 2013 by Kevin Collier

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Sen. Ron Wyden keeps hinting the NSA tracks your cellphone location

It sounds almost too paranoid to be true. Almost.

On Jul 24, 2013 by Kevin Collier

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Obama urges House to halt “defund the NSA” amendment

Rep. Justin Amash has introduced an amendment that could dismantle the NSA's metadata collection efforts, and the White House is not happy.

On Jul 24, 2013 by Kevin Collier