jerome corsi and roger stone

Roger Stone, Jerome Corsi knew about Russian hacking while making Seth Rich-DNC claims

The spotlight has shifted to the Trump campaign.

On by Nahila Bonfiglio

Robert Mueller

Russia probe turns to Democrat-leaning lobbying firm the Podesta Group

Robert Mueller’s team is reportedly looking into the firm’s ties with Paul Manafort.

On by Andrew Wyrich

Donald Trump in front of an American flag

The 3 reasons Trump’s latest attack tweet is complete nonsense

Trump appears to be very confused.

On by Andrew Couts

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WikiLeaks blames Flynn’s resignation on ‘destabilization campaign’

After helping destabilize the 2016 election, WikiLeaks has some theories about Flynn’s departure.

On by Andrew Couts

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U.S. intelligence: Putin ‘ordered’ campaigns to hurt Clinton, help Trump

NSA, CIA, and FBI conclude with high-to-moderate confidence that Putin’s goal was to aid Trump.

On by Andrew Couts, Dell Cameron

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Trump says he’s not backing WikiLeaks’ Assange, a ‘big fan’ of U.S. intelligence

Trump’s tweets do not equal endorsements.

On by Andrew Couts

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15 top U.S. officials call for bipartisan investigation into Russian election hacks

A letter to Congress includes officials from three administrations.

On by Amrita Khalid

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Trump praises ‘V. Putin’ as ‘very smart’ for not retaliating over U.S. sanctions

Trump got a little cheeky with this one.

On by Andrew Couts

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Putin to wait for Trump before taking action against U.S. diplomats

‘We will not drop to this level of irresponsible diplomacy.’

On by Andrew Couts

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Here’s the evidence U.S. intelligence has on Russia’s election hacking

This is the full FBI–DHS report on Russian election hacking, dubbed ‘Grizzly Steppe.’

On by Andrew Couts

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John McCain calls Russian hacking an effort to ‘destroy democracy’

Republican and Democratic politicians both had their say Sunday.

On by Chris Tognotti

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Clinton hits Putin over hacks while her campaign chair paints FBI as ‘deeply broken’

John Podesta held no punches.

On by David Gilmour

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U.S. intelligence to release report on foreign influence on U.S. elections

The ODNI report will be released in ‘the coming weeks.’

On by Andrew Couts

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Clinton camp backs effort to expose Trump-Russia investigations before Electoral College vote

‘This should distress every American.’

On by Andrew Couts

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Trump: Russian election hacking would be called ‘conspiracy theory’ if I lost

Is the president-elect a victim here?

On by Andrew Couts

The Daily Dot