person speaking with caption 'so I got the test results today' (l) person speaking with caption 'it's day 5 of living with HIV' (c) person speaking with caption 'my CD4 and CD8 are also pretty normal so I don't have a severe case of it' (r)

‘Just because you don’t like it doesn’t make it wrong’: The internet is defending a TikToker living with HIV from Twitter hate (updated)

‘Grow up if queer joy in the face of an epidemic makes you upset.’

On by Tricia Crimmins

man talking in chair caption '*goes to urgent care for a random sore throat* 'it's strep, here's some antibiotics' (l) man in black outfit in dark room caption 'HIV'(c) man talking in chair hand on throat caption '*strep comes back, i lose30lbs, can barely walk*' (r)

A TikToker is showcasing the importance of regular STD testing as what doctors thought was strep turned out to be HIV

‘I’ve been undetectable for 3.5 years now.’

On by Cecilia Lenzen

A laptop with an image of the coronavirus on its screen

Beware of malware hiding in fake coronavirus emails

‘Be watchful and exercise caution where Coronavirus-themed emails and websites are concerned.’

On by Mikael Thalen

Vice President Mike Pence exiting Air Force One

Mike Pence, who fueled HIV outbreak, is now in charge of coronavirus outbreak

Health experts say Pence’s policies as Indiana governor led to an HIV outbreak in 2015.

On by Mikael Thalen

Homepage article image

Singer Summer Walker dragged for insensitive HIV comments

She was upset after someone stole her laptop on a flight.

On by Alexandra Samuels

Truvada Facebook ads

Facebook ads are spreading misinformation about HIV

GLAAD called out Facebook.

On by Brooke Sjoberg


Donald Trump Jr. dragged for uneducated HIV tweet

‘This ignorant drivel is all you have to offer?’

On by Tiffanie Drayton


Frank Ocean’s $60 HIV prevention drug-themed shirts called tone-deaf

‘Sure, let’s have Frank Ocean use a pill millions can’t afford … to sell $65 shirts.’

On by Rachel Kiley

HIV treatment

New study shows antiretroviral treatment prevents HIV transmission

In nearly 1,000 couples studied, no negative partner contracted HIV from his positive partner.

On by Alex Dalbey

aaron traywick ascendence biomedical

Biohacker who injected himself with DIY herpes treatment found dead at 28

The controversial executive had distanced himself from colleagues.

On by Phillip Tracy

A new report from BuzzFeed News reveals Grindr is sharing users' HIV status.

Grindr is reportedly sharing users’ HIV status with third parties

Experts fear data-sharing could lead to users being outed.

On by Ana Valens

Grindr now offers HIV testing reminders.

Grindr unveils new feature reminding users to get tested for HIV

The app will remind users every three to six months.

On by Ana Valens

Donald Trump puts his hand on Mike Pence's shoulder

Trump’s attacks on HIV+ people could cause a national crisis

We should have seen this coming.


Donald Trump Twitter James Comey

Trump fires entire HIV/AIDS advisory council via FedEx letter

He gave no explanation.

On by Ana Valens

Homepage article image

Pop-up restaurant fights stigma with HIV-positive chefs

Let’s end the HIV myths with a delicious, risk-free pappardelle.

On by Ana Valens

The Daily Dot