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The 10 most fashionable pinners on Pinterest

Looking for some pinspiration? These fashion experts have you covered. 

On by Lisa Granshaw

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The top 10 most influential people on Pinterest in 2012

These power pinners helped Pinterest become the fastest growing social network of the year. 

On by Lauren Rae Orsini

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7 quotable pins trending on Pinterest

Some pins really are worth a thousand words. 

On by Lauren Rae Orsini

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Pin the News: Where did my followers go?

Looking to catch up on the most buzzworthy Pinterest stories of the week? These two experts will bring you up to speed.

On by Lauren Rae Orsini

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How stylist Christine Martinez pinned her way to a fabulous new career

With her eye for punchy colors and casual glamour, Christine Martinez has garnered more than one million followers on Pinterest and the site’s first brand partnership. 

On by Lauren Rae Orsini

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From pin to pro, tastemaker Christine Martinez nabs first brand partnership

The fourth most-followed user on Pinterest, Christine Martinez has been hired to do “live-pinning” of a photo shoot for Calypso St. Barth. 

On by Lauren Rae Orsini

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Pinterest for your interests: animals

Don’t know where to start on Pinterest? We’ll provide guidance. This week, we focus on the Internet’s favorite obsession. (Not that). Animals.

On by Lauren Rae Orsini

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The 10 most important people on Pinterest in 2011

Pinterest is one of the Web’s fastest-growing communities. But the image board doesn’t make it easy to find its tastemakers. Allow us!

On by Lauren Rae Orsini

The Daily Dot