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Pinterest for your interests: animals

Don’t know where to start on Pinterest? We’ll provide guidance. This week, we focus on the Internet’s favorite obsession. (Not that). Animals.


Lauren Rae Orsini


People use Pinterest  to visually organize the Internet, but what’s in it for you? In “Pinterest for your Interests,” you’ll find out. In today’s inaugural column, we discuss one of the Internet’s favorite topics: animals. You can look forward to weekly columns on a wide variety of topics and interests. We’re confident you’ll find something just for you.

Love cats but sick of LOLcats? Pinterest’s visual platform is the perfect place to browse the Web’s kittens, text-free. This week, we’ve compiled five tips for getting into Pinterest’s animal lovers’ community.

People to Follow

Look no further for some of the top trendsetters in animal related pins.

We couldn’t have an animal lovers list without mentioning Christine Martinez: her dog, Miles, inspired her to create Miles of Style, her pet friendly fashion blog. We love her Dog Friendly board, which has such style-conscious pup accessories as bow ties and wigs. Clearly we’re not the only fans, since she’s a Pinterest top influencer.

If you prefer animals of the feline variety, we’d recommend following Terri Coles, one of the artists behind the Teal Cat Project. Coles Cats board (blogged about here) includes such heartbreaking cuteness as kittens in a flowerpot and a cat eating sushi.

VegNews Magazine doesn’t just pin recipes. It also has several boards about the adorable reasons that they became vegetarians in the first place. Their Amazing Animal Rescues board, which includes a baby pig with his own stuffed animal and a mama goat with her kid, is an incentive to quit eating animals if there ever was one.

Boards to Build

If you’re new to Pinterest, you might not know that the platform has handy organizational tools to help you categorize your pins, called Boards. When you join Pinterest, the platform suggests a couple of  board titles for you like “My Style” and “Food and Drink.” If you’re interested in some sub-categories for your animal pins, we’ve got some suggestions for board titles of our own:

Baby Animals: You’ll rise to Pinterest popularity with the cutest board on the platform. Whenever you see baby ducks, platypuses or narwhals, you’ll already have the perfect place to pin.

Pictures of My Pets: Sure, you’re not supposed to self promote on Pinterest, but other users will no doubt find these as equally adorable as you do.

Exotic Animals: People make boards about the places they’d like to travel all the time. Why not make a board for the animals you’d like to see in your lifetime?

Hot Re-Pins

Here are some pins on the topic that currently have Pinterest buzzing.

  • Pinterest has a thing for Yorkies. This little guy has been reblogged 500+ times.
  • LOLcats are so last decade. Now it’s all about LOLgoats.
  • It’s not just cute animals either. Lately, peacocks have been having a moment.
  • We’re resisting the urge to call these guys… otterly adorable.
  • Corgies are popular? Well obviously, this is the Internet.

One more thing

Pinterest may not have “Animals” listed as one of their primary topics, but they do have “Pets.” Try browsing it for an extra helping of cute.

The Daily Dot