Nintendo's latest Nintendo Switch Online title is a clever Legend of Zelda hack.

Nintendo Hall/YouTube

Nintendo Switch Online just received a surprise ‘Legend of Zelda’ hack with an overpowered Link

Welcome to ‘The Legend of Zelda: Living the life of luxury!’


Ana Valens


Nintendo Switch Online launched last month, and the new service quickly gained Nintendo fans’ attention thanks to its classic NES backlog. Games like Balloon Fight, Donkey Kong, and Dr. Mario are all available for free, and there may be more titles on the way. Case in point, a new version of the NES’ The Legend of Zelda was just added to the Switch’s NES backlog, and this edition starts the game off with an incredibly powerful and rich Link.

Called The Legend of Zelda: Living the life of luxury!, Nintendo’s tweak gives players the White Sword, Magical Shield, Blue Ring, and Power Bracelet from the very start. Link begins the game with a ton of rupees too, so if you need to buy more items, there’s no need to grind for cash just to upgrade your gear. Simply spend to your hearts’ content.

Once you’ve beaten The Legend of Zelda: Living the life of luxury!, the game unlocks a new game mode called “Second Quest,” which promises a much more challenging experience. That means there’s a lot of replay value with this edit, especially for hardcore gamers who want to milk Link’s newfound fortune for as much as it’s worth.


Nintendo’s The Legend of Zelda NES tweak suggests the Japanese gaming giant may add more special edition NES edits to the console’s backlog in the near future. In the meantime, The Legend of Zelda: Living the life of luxury! is available now to all Nintendo Switch Online users.

H/T the Verge

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