
How to quickly get the Havoc weapon in Apex Legends

Energy weapons get a new friend.

Photo of Joseph Knoop

Joseph Knoop

apex legends havoc rifle

Apex Legends has finally introduced the Havoc, an assault rifle that uses energy ammo and that promises to be a tough challenger in a firefight. You’ll want to know all you can before leaping into another Apex Legends game, so check out our helpful guide below.

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Where is the Havoc in Apex Legends?

Thank god, the Havoc isn’t part of a supply drop. You can find it laying around like any other gun, although you’ll probably want to stick to high-tier loot areas like Reservoir, Runoff, Artillery, and Airbase. That doesn’t mean you can’t find it randomly elsewhere.

Keep in mind that energy ammo is typically more scarce than light or heavy ammo. Odds are that Respawn might add more now that another weapon uses it, but your best bet is to still keep a varied arsenal.


There’s also a gold version of the Havoc rifle that comes with every legendary attachment, so keep an eye out for it.

havoc apex legends
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A standard Havoc rifle can be equipped with an optic, a stock, and either a Turbocharger or Select Fire mod. Those last two are known as Hop Up attachments. The Turbocharger is great if you hate that energy weapons have to spin up their fire rate before going full-auto.

If you go with the Select Fire Hop Up mod, you’ll effectively turn the gun into a charged hitscan beam, making it one of the game’s deadliest.

Peep the video below for a rundown.


Havoc skins in Apex Legends

There are currently two gold weapon skins for the Havoc energy rifle in Apex Legends. The first is called “Sonic Empire.”

apex legends havoc sonic empire

And then there’s the “Quantum Chaos.”

apex legends havoc quantum chaos

Make sure to check out our guide to winning in Apex Legends and how to improve your frames per second.

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