We're All Gonna Die podcast discusses Donald Trump

Photo via Michael Vadon/Flickr Patrick Breitenbach/Flickr (CC BY 2.0) (CC-BY-SA) Remix by Jason Reed

‘We’re All Gonna Die,’ ep. 17: Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un: Baby Boomer vs. Millennial

Uhh, we might actually die this week.


David Covucci

Layer 8

As we have said every single week since starting this podcast … it’s been a week.

Although during this one, for real, we might die.

Because Kim Jong-un published an open letter to President Donald Trump calling the him unfit for office. And deranged. And a dotard.

The team is a little short-staffed this week, but Andrew Couts and David Covucci go roundtable on whether that’s a good or bad thing (spoiler: bad), whether Sean Spicer’s Emmy appearance was OK, and whether you should take Mike Cernovich’s new line of supplements.

You shouldn’t.

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