We're All Gonna Die podcast discusses Malaysian Airlines missing flight

Photo via FotoNoir/Flickr Patrick Breitenbach/Flickr (CC-BY-SA) Remix by Jason Reed

‘We’re All Gonna Die’ podcast: Did that missing Malaysia Airlines plane cause Donald Trump?

The two have a lot in common.


David Covucci

Layer 8

Admit it, your mind is a thinking emoji right now: What does Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which went missing way back in March 2014, have to do with our commander-in-chief?

A lot. Which is what we address on this week’s We’re All Gonna Die, America’s most nihilistic political podcast.

But that’s not all. We also talk Donald Trump’s alt-right Warsaw manifesto, the fallout of the CNN-WWE-Trump GIF, and that dude who had all his Chipotle ingredients put in little, individual serving cups.

Screw that guy.

Check out this week’s podcast below and be sure to listen to our previous episodes.

Then subscribe to We’re All Gonna Die on iTunes.

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