Twitter roasted Trump over Monday's historic stock market plunge.

Gage Skidmore/Flickr

People are roasting Trump over the stock market plunge

Trump doesn’t have much to say about the drop.


David Britton

Layer 8

Monday’s record plummet in the stock market is due to a number of complex factors, including the recent rise in wages, so perhaps it’s not entirely fair to blame President Donald Trump for its largest-ever daily point plunge.

Then again, if he’s going to take credit for its gains, logically, he has to take responsibility when it falls.

“The stock market has smashed one record after another, gaining $8 trillion in value,” Trump bragged during last week’s State of the Union address. “That is great news for Americans’ 401(k), retirement, pension and college savings accounts.”

It’s also something he’s mentioned repeatedly on Twitter.

Thus far, the president has been silent about the plunge on Twitter. Luckily, there were plenty of people who had something to say about it.

Some people were encouraged that Trump seemingly left us very specific instructions on how to handle this situation back in 2015.

But the tweet of Trump saying the “sitting president should be ‘loaded’ into a very big cannon and Shot into the sun at TREMENDOUS SPEED!” turned out to be a fake. And as of Tuesday night, Trump still hadn’t said anything about the market.

Meanwhile, the White House has continued to say the economy is strong, that Trump has been “hardly focused” on the stock market, and that Monday’s historic drop was a “short-term” fluctuation. The market did rally a bit by the end of the day on Monday, gaining back some of its initial loss, and it continued to rise on Tuesday.

“Look, markets do fluctuate in the short term,” said deputy White House press secretary Raj Shah (the same guy who called Trump a “deplorable” in 2016). “We all know that. And they do that for a number of reasons. But the fundamentals of this economy are very strong, and they’re headed in the right direction—for the middle class, in particular.”

The only real takeaway from all this is that the current stock market, much like the current president, is more volatile than most people are comfortable with.

The Daily Dot