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Tina Fey says white women who voted Trump ‘can’t look away’ right now

She’s not backing down.


Chris Tognotti

Layer 8

Comedy superstar Tina Fey delivered a message during an ACLU fundraiser on Friday night, and it was directed toward the 53 percent of white women voters who cast their ballots for Donald Trump: You must not ignore what’s happening right now.

During an interview segment with Louise Melling and Donna Lieberman of the ACLU, Fey made it clear that she views clear-eyed vigilance and attention to be a responsibility for any of the college-educated white women who voted for Trump. Her remarks came at roughly the 1:52:14 mark of the broadcast.

“A lot of this election was turned by white, college-educated women who now would maybe like to forget about this election and go back to watching HGTV, and I would want to urge them, you can’t look away,” Fey said. “Because it doesn’t affect you this minute, but it’s going to affect you eventually.”

Fey followed up those thoughts at the end of the interview, returning to the topic of vigilance and awareness, making her own pledge (she herself being a college-educated white woman) to not ignore what’s going on.

“I personally will make my own pledge to college-educated white women to not look away, and to not pretend that things that are happening now won’t eventually affect me if we don’t put a stop to it,” she said.

Fey’s remarks came during her speech at the ACLU’s Stand For Rights telethon on Friday night, which was streamed to the world on Facebook Live. She was joined by fellow stars Alec Baldwin, Amy Poehler, and Tom Hanks among others, raising money for the ACLU within a political climate that’s already caused donations to spike.

The Daily Dot