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The dude who left a package of horses**t for Steve Mnuchin explains why

He said he was making a stand.

Photo of Josh Katzowitz

Josh Katzowitz

Robby Strong Steve Mnuchin horse manure

The dude who dropped a shitload of horseshit at the Los Angeles home of Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has come forward and said the prank was “an act of political theater.”

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Robby Strong, an L.A. psychologist, told that he was the shit-stirrer, saying he got the manure from a friend who owns a horse and dropped off the package in Mnuchin’s Bel Air neighborhood to let people know that “Republicans have done nothing for the American worker.”

“The thing I live by is a rule of transparency and I was exercising my First Amendment rights,” Strong told the website. “A few years ago when [a Supreme Court ruling] said that corporations are persons and money equals free speech, that is so absurd and my rule of thumb is now that if corporations are free speech, then so is horseshit.”

In case you need proof of Strong’s resistance, here’s his Facebook page.


Strong also said he was interviewed by the Secret Service on Sunday but was not arrested.

“I just got interviewed by the Secret Service and I’ve now joined some of my heroes like Timothy Leary and Martin Luther King,” Strong said. “[The agents] just showed up in my yard.”

The Daily Dot