A man showing a funeral urn

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This site will send your ashes to a Republican congressperson if Trumpcare kills you

This sends a pretty clear message.


Samantha Grasso

Layer 8

Are you one of 24 million people who could lose healthcare coverage under the American Healthcare Act (AHCA)? Should the measure replace Obamacare and subsequently kill you from lack of coverage, let your Republican Congressperson know just how you (did) feel (when you were alive) with this new website that’ll mail your ashes to Washington D.C.

MailMeToTheGOP.com wants to help you send a message loud and clear should Trumpcare price you out of healthcare because you have a preexisting condition and then lead to your inevitable death. The website, created by Zoey Jordan Salsbury, allows visitors to submit their information as well as a message on how Trumpcare will kill them.

Once you fill out the information, Mail Me To The GOP will help you get documents to assist in mailing your ashes to House Speaker Paul RyanRep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.), or any of the other 217 people who passed the AHCA on Thursday.

“Millions of Americans rely on protections and coverage from the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare. The Republicans new bill will gut these protections and many will die,” the website landing page reads. “They deserve to know it. Fill out our form and we’ll help you get papers in order to send your ashes to a GOP member of Congress if you pass.”

As of Saturday, Salsbury has posted 50 responses to the website, ranging from people saying they can’t afford the out-of-pocket expenses for preexisting conditions that will no longer be regulated by the federal government. Salsbury told the Washington Post that her site kept crashing under the hundreds of submissions she received in its first day online.

While she told the Post that she doesn’t plan on sending your ashes to the Capitol herself, Salsbury plans on consulting with an estate planner to help people write wills so that their ashes can be sent to their chosen Congressperson.

If that website is too grim for your taste, the Democratic Socialists of America have created a helpful online tool to help you select your perfect healthcare plan under the AHCA (and by plan, we mean funeral casket).

Looks like dark humor won’t be taking a break during this dark administration.

H/T Raw Story

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