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In Trump’s White House, the gender pay gap has tripled

This is worse than the national average was in 1980.


Samantha Grasso

Layer 8

In the first six months of President Donald Trump‘s term, the pay gap between male and female staffers in the White House has more than tripled to 37 percent.

According to an analysis from conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute, as reported by the Washington Post, Trump’s typical female White House staffer makes 63.2 cents to every $1 earned by the typical male staffer. On a larger scale, the median female staffer earns $72,650, while the median male staffer earns $115,000.

The Post notes Trump’s White House pay gap is also twice the national gender pay gap average, which is 17 percent. And according to Pew Research Center data, it’s even greater than even the national gender wage gap was in 1980.

Since at least 2003, the White House’s gender wage gap had been generally steadily decreasing. In President Barack Obama’s first year in office, the gap was at 16 percent. Though Obama’s wage gap peaked at 18 percent in 2014, it fell to 11 percent in his last year in office.

While Trump’s 37 percent gap was previously believed to be 20 percent, economist Mark Perry used median salaries over averages, which could be skewed by outliers on either side of the wage spectrum. The analysis also excludes three staffers who aren’t being paid for their work, including Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner.

Perhaps it may be some time before we can expect Ivanka’s demands of equal pay for equal work to have an effect on her father.

Read the full Washington Post report here.

The Daily Dot