trump putin facebook friendship video

Photo via Elvert Barnes/Flickr

If you doubt Trump and Putin’s connections, watch their Facebook friendship video

They really nailed it.


David Covucci

Layer 8

Man those Facebook friendship videos are a real mixed bag of emotions, eh? It’s like, on the one hand, you feel all nostalgic and fuzzy about whatever friend it’s paired you with, but on the other hand, it’s creepy that some computer program knows all this stuff about you. Nevermind that it’s all data you willing volunteered, it’s still weird. Plus you get to find out that you “liked” Dave 4,000 times. I mean you don’t even really like Dave that much.

Well, here’s one you can feel weird about for completely different reasons. It celebrates Donald Trump’s friendship with Vladimir Putin. You’ll love it because it’s funny, but you’ll also worry that it might be a little too spot on.

The video comes to us from the Nix Brothers, who have been churning out funny content for years, including this gem where Ron Funches gets his own cooking show called “Funch Time”

The Brothers Nix seem to be devoting a lot of time to President Trump as of late. They even posted a ten-minute video that’s just a still shot dumpster fire with his face on it.

They seem to have embraced a coping mechanism being employed by a lot of Americans these days. If we’re gonna go down in flames, we might as well have a laugh about it.


The Daily Dot