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Chrissy Teigen and Jacob Wohl are sparring on Twitter

Guess who’s winning.


Kris Seavers

Layer 8

Chrissy Teigen, never one to hold back on the timeline, put Jacob Wohl on blast in a tweet Thursday after he claimed that recent headlines have made him “more famous” than the actress and author.

Wohl’s name did blow up the internet this week after it came to light that he tried to use a fake investigative company to conduct a smear campaign against special counsel Robert Mueller. The details surrounding Wohl’s scheme, the news website that pushed his claims, and events as they’re still unfolding are murky. So it’s understandable that Teigen tweeted on Tuesday to request a brief summary.

“Can someone break down with jacob wohl did in one tweet. like a cliffs note please – my timeline is a mess I don’t have the energy,” she wrote.

Wohl, who before this week was known primarily as a right-wing Twitter personality and Trump supporter, responded to Teigen with a Google Analytics chart showing “interest over time” data of his name versus hers. A spike in the graph indicated searches for his name had skyrocketed this week.

Teigen wrote back: “This is literally just a graph proving people had to google your dumbass to figure out who you are.”

Wohl did not respond to Teigen’s tweet. However, plenty of other Twitter users offered up Google Analytics screenshots to illustrate a multitude of things that have had, over certain periods of time, higher search rates than Wohl’s name. Those things include, for example, 1960s cartoon character The Great Gazoo and Soviet-born American comedian Yakov Smirnoff.

The charts also illustrate something else: That a Google Analytics chart is not a foolproof measure of how famous someone or something is. And even if she didn’t think so before, Teigen definitely now thinks Wohl’s a fool.


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