encrypted security camera

The Daily Dot Store

Take your home security system to the next level with this encrypted camera

You’ll have the safest house on the block.


The Daily Dot Bazaar

Dot Recs

When you’re looking to purchase a home security system, it’s most likely for peace of mind and reassurance while you’re away from home. But what good is it if hackers can tap into your feed? That’s why you need a setup that prioritizes security from the start – like the iPM World HD encrypted security camera.

This HD panoramic camera ensures your footage stays private by taking advantage of multiple encryption protocols. The camera is ergonomic enough to fit nearly anywhere, while still giving you 360 degrees of uncompromising viewing potential. Additionally, the camera is even capable of supporting infrared night vision and app notifications. So regardless of what time it is (or what time zone you’re in), you’ll be able to keep an eye on what’s going on inside your home.

The encrypted security camera which usually retails for over $100, is available through the Daily Dot Store for just $44.99.

Buy it here


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