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This is why you don’t stick your underwear in a Subway oven

Subway employee grosses out customers by drying out her wet socks in an oven.


Mike Fenn


Fast food workers, when are you going to learn that sharing unsanitary workplace pictures will never end well for you?

We have KFC employees kissing mashed potatoes, Taco Bell employees urinating on food, Burger King employees standing in lettuce and lying in hamburger bun beds, and Subway employees molding bread into penises and, just two weeks ago, apparently making cockroach sandwiches. Now, another Subway employee has turned off customers by Instagramming a photo of one of the restaurant’s ovens with her wet socks and gloves drying inside.

Image via South West News Service/Instagram

What is it with Subway employees? This particular incident happened in the U.K. city of Worcester. According to an article in the Huffington Post, the picture was discovered by a customer, Jessica Hinton, who contacted the manager of the restaurant. She was given an apology and vouchers for free food.

“I clearly stated that I would not be going to their store again,” Hinton told the South West News Service.

The employee, identified as Alice Sykes by the Daily Mail, then sent a private message to Hinton on Facebook. In the message, she said she apologized and explained that the socks were in the oven because her boss “didn’t think it fair that I have wet feet for a 9-hour shift.” She also noted that the oven was thoroughly cleaned after the incident.

While the Instagram photo has since been taken down, Sykes’ lighthearted tweet about the makeshift dryer remains active on her Twitter feed.

Socks and gloves drying in the oven at work ha #Worcester #floods #wet #gloves #socks

— A (@AliceSykesx) February 11, 2014

As a former Arby’s employee whose manager would routinely gross out customers and employees alike by changing her socks in the lobby of the restaurant no less than four times per shift, I am inclined to side with Hinton. You don’t expect a huge degree of class when choosing fast food as your dining option, but you are entitled to your bread being free from sock lint.

Photo via South West News Service/Instagram

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