Stephen Miller reportedly threw out $80 worth of sushi after being accosted by a bartender.

Marco Verch/Flickr (CC-BY) Gage Skidmore/Flickr (CC-BY-SA)

Stephen Miller threw out $80 worth of sushi because a bartender made fun of him

That’s a lot of sushi.


Andrew Wyrich


Stephen Miller, a policy adviser for President Donald Trump and frequent target of mocking remarks, apparently threw out his sushi after being called out by a bartender in Washington D.C.

Miller, who has been intimately involved in crafting the administration’s roll out of a much-criticized policy of separating undocumented immigrants from their families, was accosted by a bartender recently while grabbing sushi.

The Washington Post reports that the Trump aide ordered $80 worth of takeout sushi from a restaurant near his apartment in Washington D.C.

After getting his sushi, the bartender followed him outside shouted “Stephen!” and flipped off the Trump aide. In response, Miller was “outraged” and threw his takeout sushi in the garbage.

The sushi-shaming isn’t the only outrage that has been directed toward Miller in his Washington D.C. neighborhood. Last month protesters who disagreed with the Trump administration’s immigration policy posted “Wanted” posters of the Trump aide around his apartment building.

However, the waste of $80 worth of sushi was mocked online.

You can read all of the Washington Post‘s report here.


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