joe biden

YASAMIN JAFARI TEHRANI/Shutterstock (Licensed)

Biden continues ‘don’t vote for me’ campaign

It’s worked so far.


David Covucci



Over the course of the 2020 Democratic primary, former Vice President Joe Biden adopted a curious policy. When challenged on an issue by a potential voter, be it climate change or healthcare, the so-called unity candidate told people to vote for someone else.

When pressed about his environmental policies, he told someone to vote for Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). When questions on his immigration stance, he told someone to vote for President Donald Trump.

You can argue with that electoral philosophy all you want, but it worked. Biden is the presumptive 2020 Democratic nominee.

And it appears he’s going to ride the “don’t vote for me” strategy all the way to the White House.

When asked yesterday about the sexual assault allegations against him by former staffer Tara Reade, Biden said that those who believed them shouldn’t vote for him.

“They should vote their heart and if they believe Tara Reade they probably shouldn’t vote for me,” he said, in an interview with MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell, saying the “truth matters.”

Biden also added “I wouldn’t vote for me,” if he believed Reade, a quote that surely won’t be taken out of context and played back again and again.

Biden went on to again deny the allegation, saying no one should believe it. So in reality, he’s not asking a large segment to not vote for him, but rather saying people should believe him, and not her. And still vote for him.

But nevertheless, it’s once again Biden recommending people don’t vote for Biden.

A unique strategy. But… it hasn’t not worked thus far.


The Daily Dot