Curt Schilling Donald Trump

Fox News/YouTube

Donald Trump praises potential anti-immigrant congressional bid by Curt Schilling (updated)

Schilling told the Arizona Republic he was considering running for office recently.


Andrew Wyrich


President Donald Trump enthusiastically endorsed the potential congressional run of former Major League Baseball pitcher Curt Schilling on Tuesday, calling the idea “terrific.”

Schilling has been a supporter of Trump for years and was fired from his job as an analyst on ESPN in 2016 for sharing a transphobic meme on Facebook.

“Curt Schilling, a great pitcher and patriot, is considering a run for Congress in Arizona. Terrific! @foxandfriends” the president tweeted on Tuesday morning.

On Monday, Schilling told the Arizona Republic that he was “absolutely considering” running for Congress in Arizona. In a statement to the news outlet, he made it clear that immigration would be a central theme of any potential congressional run.

“The state is not the state I grew up in. Making Arizona citizens of EVERY Race, religion and sexual orientation 2nd class citizens to illegal immigrants is about as anti-American as it gets,” he told the newspaper. “When you have homeless veterans, children, and you’re spending tax dollars on people smuggling drugs and children across our border someone in charge needs their ass kicked.”

This isn’t the first time Trump has used Twitter to go to bat for the former pitcher.

In January, Trump said Schilling deserved to be in the sport’s Hall of Fame.

“Curt Schilling deserves to be in the Baseball Hall of Fame. Great record, especially when under pressure and when it mattered most. Do what everyone in Baseball knows is right! @marklevinshow,” the president wrote.

The former pitcher responded:

“Thank you Mr President! Do NOT give in on any of it! We are behind you!” he wrote.

Schilling, who won the World Series with the Arizona Diamondbacks and Boston Red Sox, was fired from his job with ESPN in 2016 after he shared a transphobic meme on Facebook. He also has shared anti-Muslim comments on social media. Since then, Schilling has become a pariah, keeping him from the Hall of Fame.

The former MLB pitcher said that he was going to run against Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) in 2016, but a few months later announced that he was backing a candidate running against her. Warren won her re-election bid.

Correction: This headline has been updated to reflect that Curt Schilling has not formally announced a run for Congress. 


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