bar lives matter

Thitinun Lerdkijsakul/Shutterstock (Licensed)

‘Bar Lives Matter’ is really as bad as it sounds

Some Texas bar owners are appropriating the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement.


Tiffanie Drayton


Texas bar owners from around the state have rallied together to protest Gov. Greg Abbott’s order to reinstate bar closures. And their rallying cry? “Bar Lives Matter.”

The bar measures were reinstated as Texas saw a spike in new coronavirus cases this month, even reporting a whooping 6,263 cases on Saturday.

On Tuesday, Fox7 Austin news reporter Kacey Bowen tweeted pictures of the protest, captioned, “HAPPENING NOW: The ‘Texas Bars Fight Back’ protest is happening outside the Texas Capitol to protest the closing the bars statewide.”

In the pictures, only a few people can be seen wearing masks. Many online expressed frustration over the public’s inability to understand the severity of COVID-19.

However, it was the sign with the words “Bar Lives Matter” on it that stole the show.

“‘Bar Lives Matter’ represents so much wrong with this country. Equating your thirst for a happy hour to a movement fighting for the basic rights of black Americans is beyond fucked, and further demonstrates the absolute lack of human decency shown by so many in our country,” wrote one angry user.

Many could not fathom how the “Black Lives Matter” slogan meant to challenge racial injustice and police brutality could be appropriated in such a frivolous manner.

“‘Bar lives matter’ white people really more worried about not being able to post a boomerang of their overpriced drink than unarmed black people getting killed …,” said another.

Bar owners have banned together to sue the governor for “discrimination” against their establishments.

Black Lives Matter protests demanding an end to racial discrimination also continue across the country.


The Daily Dot