
Stephanie Fillion

Stéphanie Fillion is a French-Canadian journalist covering politics and foreign affairs in Montreal, Canada. She has worked for Radio-Canada in Vancouver and was a San Paolo fellow at La Stampa in Turin. In 2015, she won the Eu-Canada Young Journalist Award. She holds an M.A. in Journalism, Politics and Global Affairs from Columbia Journalism School and a B.A. in Comparative Politics, History and Italian Studies from McGill University. Her work appeared in outlets such as Quartz, Vice News, Ipolitics, and PassBlue.

paper cutouts holding hands around a phone with the facebook app displayed

We’re more active on Facebook than 2018, 2017, report shows

Publishers like CNN and Fox News are leading the pack.

On Jul 26, 2019 by Stephanie Fillion


Biographer reminds Trump of his skeevy comment about Jeffrey Epstein and ‘younger’ women

Epstein was arrested on federal charges of sex trafficking minors.

On Jul 7, 2019 by Stephanie Fillion


China advised tech companies to lobby against the Trump administration’s trade ban

The American tech companies include Microsoft and Dell.

On Jun 9, 2019 by Stephanie Fillion


Catholic Bishop gets roasted for hypocritical anti-LGBTQ, Pride Month tweet

He said pride events are ‘harmful for children.’

On Jun 2, 2019 by Stephanie Fillion

Homepage article image

Donald Trump and camp double down on claim he ‘never called Meghan Markle nasty’

There’s recorded audio of Trump calling Markle ‘nasty.’

On Jun 2, 2019 by Stephanie Fillion


Visa applicants now have to hand over their social media information

A State Department official said this will strengthen the vetting process.

On Jun 1, 2019 by Stephanie Fillion

facebook revenge porn

Facebook says it detects revenge porn before it’s reported—but victims aren’t notified

The social media giant’s latest frontier offers new AI and growing ethics concerns.

On May 29, 2019 by Stephanie Fillion

donald trump memorial day tweet

Trump tweets Memorial Day video—and Twitter reminds him of his draft deferment

Trump avoided the Vietnam draft thanks to a ‘bone spur’ diagnosis.

On May 27, 2019 by Stephanie Fillion

kit harington game of thrones finale memes

Kit Harington’s ‘Game of Thrones’ finale reaction becomes instantly relatable meme

Kit Harington is all of us.

On May 27, 2019 by Stephanie Fillion

Homepage article image

Artist suspended from Facebook after posting anti-MAGA artwork (updated)

Her account was reinstated on Sunday.

On May 26, 2019 by Stephanie Fillion

apple screentime app store

Report: Apple limiting apps that help users control their screen time

Apple removed or modified 11 of the 17 top-performing apps aimed at reducing screen time.

On Apr 28, 2019 by Stephanie Fillion

oliver north nra wayne lapierre

NRA President Oliver North ousted

It’s been a rough week for the gun rights organization.

On Apr 28, 2019 by Stephanie Fillion


SEC, Elon Musk agree to terms for Tesla CEO’s Twitter use

His tweets about Tesla will be vetted by legal counsel prior to going live.

On Apr 27, 2019 by Stephanie Fillion

preachers n sneakers

This Instagram is dedicated to calling out preachers in expensive sneakers

What are those?

On Apr 9, 2019 by Stephanie Fillion

donald trump jr. pulitzer fiction

Donald Trump Jr. learned that the Pulitzer Prizes do award a prize for fiction

It’s been awarded since 1918.

On Mar 30, 2019 by Stephanie Fillion

The Daily Dot